Sunday, May 07, 2006

Grant me just one rant...


I was upset at my kids today because of they way the upset each other. When they cry, I feel like breaking down too! Especially considering how resilient gr5's are, and that I don't have any regular "cry babies" in my classroom. I think what made it worse was that
a) it was two strong, happy children who broke down
b) it was the result of another classmate hurting them physically.

What has it come to? Do my students feel safe in the classroom? Being a teacher is more than teaching the curriculum (if we only had time for that!) but it's about teaching them to be responsible citizens. To NOT grow up to be criminals, drug addicts and abusers. I hate to say it but some of my students truly are already on the wrong path. The way they talk, they way they are used to always getting what they want. ARRRGGGGGAARRRGGAARRRRRRG. Have I failed if in 10 years I see one of my students on the news for attempted murder? addiction? all sorts?

I know, I"m taking it too personally. But still....

*breathes* there is work to be done.