Sunday, May 07, 2006

Grant me just one rant...


I was upset at my kids today because of they way the upset each other. When they cry, I feel like breaking down too! Especially considering how resilient gr5's are, and that I don't have any regular "cry babies" in my classroom. I think what made it worse was that
a) it was two strong, happy children who broke down
b) it was the result of another classmate hurting them physically.

What has it come to? Do my students feel safe in the classroom? Being a teacher is more than teaching the curriculum (if we only had time for that!) but it's about teaching them to be responsible citizens. To NOT grow up to be criminals, drug addicts and abusers. I hate to say it but some of my students truly are already on the wrong path. The way they talk, they way they are used to always getting what they want. ARRRGGGGGAARRRGGAARRRRRRG. Have I failed if in 10 years I see one of my students on the news for attempted murder? addiction? all sorts?

I know, I"m taking it too personally. But still....

*breathes* there is work to be done.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Let's make a haiku!

I am actually quite nervous about starting a poetry unit in a few hours. I decided to do a powerpoint presentation to spark their interest, but will it fly?

Some days definitely feel like I am putting on a show. I get restless the night before playing out the different scenarios in my mind.

I want it to be calm, quiet and reflective.

Does this mean I finally have to ask some of the fidgeters to leave the class if they forget to respect the atmosphere around them?

Showtime in 4 hours!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Of course I am having a blast, but the job certainly drains you on a daily basis.

The social-emotional aspects of being a teacher are becoming more apparently by the hour as I go about teaching mroe and more throughout the day. Notes you get from students,. looks on their faces as their moods change, activity levels in the classroom, words that are thrown around during lunch and of course the tears. Can't stop the tears!

Taking things one step at a time is what I choose to do.

My lessons are definitely more confident in math because I have the book and resources to back me up!

In social studies however I am starting to get frustrated and am not sure how to assess the students. I need more worksheets along with structured guidlines and criteria for the projects they will begin to work on.

Just typing it helps me realize what I need to get going on! This can be my "to-do" list page!

Starting tomorrow :P

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Auction time!

It was a risk, and I knew it would end up being noisy, but the students seemed to enjoy the game and learned from it. They auctioned items i had drawn onto cards and had to monitor how much money they had. Really funny to watch.

I am being blunt and short because I am so darn tired. Good night!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

And so the week is over...

Highlights: learning more about each student; being comfortable and more creative with math lessons.

Things to work on: PLANNING! Classroom management strategies! Consistency with what I say and do.

Pet peeves: walking the class through the hallways. I think I was ruled with an iron fist on this one as a child, therefore I seem to expect it from these students (who haven't had teachers be as strict with hallway quietness I assume...). Still, gotta love 'em!

Friday, March 31, 2006

This is what I walked into on my first day. What a welcoming!

The students are amazing, my SA is so supportive and I am thrilled when I wake up each morning ready for another day of discovering the many hidden talents of the students around me...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Even though I know I will walk into class tomorrow knowing the name of each student, knowing all of the faces in the staffroom and feeling like I belong to the community, some part of me is still bloody nervous! I think it is the idea of having so much I should have done and haven't yet. Yet...